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One activity per day in preparation for Christmas. Every post will include an interesting mathematical information that might be followed by an activity (family activity or school activity - from different content creators offered free online), a movie/video recommendation or a book recommendation. 

We hope you are excited and happy to get ready for Christmas in a mathematical way! Have a wonderful December!

Bauble on Tree

Mathematics is for everyone. With this project we want to share more about the great women in mathematics and how they have changed history and mathematics. In here you can find out more about Emmy Noether, Ada Lovelace, Sophie Germain, Sofia Kovalevskaya,  Maryam Mirzakhani and many more. You can also check our book and website recommendations. 


Together we can change the way people see mathematics. Mathematics is for everyone. With this project we want to share experiences, stories and passion. In here you can find interviews with students, pupils, mathematicians and just math-lovers in general.


Galileo once said that "the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics". With this project we want to share some ideas and mathematical concepts that appear in nature.  In here you can find out more about symmetry, spirals, fractals, but also learn different mathematical concepts from the behavior of different beings, such as ants and bees. 

Mathematics in Nature
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